
Sugar Sweet Sunshine

Sugar Sweet Sunshine, originally uploaded by sl2163.

on a recent trip to the food haven that is the LES, i picked up this little goody, pumpkin trifle. now if i had known such a gem existed, i surely would have attempted to make it part of my regular diet. fortunately for my health, i just discovered it.

it is composed of my favorite dessert flavors: pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg. there's a cakey middle, and surrounding that is the fluffy happiness of whipped cream and some other gooey bits enhancing the overall texture of the dessert.

other tasty treats i sampled on multiple (well, only 2) visits:
pumpkin w/cheesecake icing to the left, ooey gooey on the right

pistachio on top, red velvet on the bottom

i would venture to say that ooey gooey is my favorite cupcake there. the icing is not too sweet, nor is the cake part of the cupcake overwhelming. everything is perfectly balanced in happy chocolate harmony. according to the website, ooey gooey is chocolate cake with chocolate almond buttercream. oh yea. both the pistachio and red velvet had too much butter in their icing, but if you like that, go for it. they call that type of icing "the moose." still, overall, better than magnolia, ten times over.

visit Sugar Sweet Sunshine and re-acquaint yourself with upgraded childhood favorites.

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